Creating an rb file |
Create a java project and package (not a plugin project) inside eclipse using the default options. Create it with or without the src folder.
Now do File>New>Other> or press CTRL-N
The following screen will show up.
Inside RBWizards select RB file.
Fill in the 2 fields and press next.
Important note: Although here it is shown messages.rb, at various places in the documentation I have shown the same as newFile.rb. The discrepancy arose sometime while documenting and hopefully is not going to be a source of confusion. It matters little whether you name the file messages.rb or newFile.rb as long as you use the same name throughout the example code development.
Under the message types to generate you must select at least one check box. Since this is a demonstration please check all the check boxes. Press next.
In this page select the locales you wish to cater to. In the available locales table scroll down and select the "ta " locale. Add it to the working locales by clicking the enabled ">>" button to the right of the available locales table.
The ">>" button would now be disabled after the addition.
In the working locale select "ta" and press the ">>" button to the right of the working locale
having added the locale click finish.
This will open up the multipage rb editor.
Important Note: In case the project has src folders ensure that the rb file is created inside an src folder. In case the project does not have an src folder then create the rb file anywhere inside the project prefreably inside a package. If the project has at least one src folder and the rb file lies directly under the project the code generators will not generate code for that rb file.(It wil not let you create rb files in invalid locatons but it cannot prevent you from manually putting a rb file in a invalid location.)
Copyright © R.Raghuraman. Distributable under LGPL license. |