Key Board Mapping based editing




The above animations demonstrate the keyboard mapping based editing with the following steps:-

Getting back to the editor and the example which we were working on. Now lets use the keyboard mapping facility. We shall use the inbuilt keyboard mapping for the locale ta. Later we shall see how to add additional keyboard mappings.

Open the editor by clicking on the rb file inside the package explorer.

Select the entry DISK_FILES. Result:

select the locale ta.

Check the convert radio.

Check the checkbox-"use keyboard mapping"

Check the use "browser checkbox" (would have enabled by now)[Not checking this will cause the preview window to show in a text field the same content. Checking this will cause a display as would be found in the browser. It would be actually shown in the browser embedded OLE control]

fragment type:"..."

fragment content:"

(In fragment content just feed in a double quote)

Hit new.

fragment select:diskName

Ignore the message against fomat.

Set fragment type to :"..."

in fragment content a quote will be there already. Type a space after it. Now type after the space enRa tiSkkil   

a total of " enRa tiSkkil 




Hit new

set fragment type to "noOfFiles"

Hit new .

and then select noOfFiles in the table

The zero, one and multi tab open up

Select zero tab

Set fragmentType to "..."

In the fragment content clear whatever is there and type in the following

oru kooppum illai


Now visit the one tab.

Feed in type:"..."

content: oru kooppu irukkiRathu 

and hit new


Visit the multi tab

Feed in type:noOfFiles & format: integer. Hit new.


Feed in type "..."

content: kooppukaL irukkinRana

Hit new


Visit main tab. Check apply conversion to tables



You might have noticed that when you hit on ... in the table the fragment content gets updated. In case the actual text had some spaces it shows up sorrounded by <p></p> tags. That is the  editor informing you this is being treated as plain text because it could not be mapped using the keyboard mappings. It actually works both ways. Now suppose you wanted to make a message wherein the message should be a mix of say Tamil and English. This can be effected by typing in the following

thamiz <p>tamil</p>

which would be seen as

You might also wonder how can you feed in unicode characters directly.

Its doable. Suppose you had fed in the following

<c>00a5|00a3</c> It would have got the unicode in directly.

You could also have fed it in like /u00a5/00a3. but for that you will have to uncheck useKeyBoard mapping

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