Java1.5 |
This is a Java1.4 version of the RBPlugin.
However Its possible to use the RBPlugin in Java1.5 type of projects and take advantage of all the aspects of Java1.5 in the generated code- namely -
Steps for working with Jav1.5 type of projects.
Suppose the project does not have any rb file in it as yet.
Select the project. Right click on it. Select properties. Select Rb Page.
Check the two checkboxes.
Hit apply and ok.
Thats it, the project is ready to run the rb plugin for Java1.5
You can create any kind of rb file for Java1.5.
When you are creating/editing the rb files there will be two differences from rb files in Java1.4 type of projects.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="rb5.xsd"><settings> .....
rb files created for Java 1.4 will use rb.xsd
On the other hand suppose the project does have any rb files in it then the above properties page would have determined this fact and it would not allow you to change the project settings and thereby curropt existing rb file. But this behaviour can be overridden by making use of the checkbox force the above checkboxes into editables.
Doing this will mean that all pre-existing rb files in the project may become curropt if they had been created for Java1.4.
Something that can be easily fixed by following the instructions when the curropt rb file in opened in the editor.
All other steps for working with rb files are the same.
The generated code will be slightly different. There are many benefits of using the Java1.5 features.
Under Java1.5 the application code using the code generated by the Rb plugin will also get neater because of the static imports that can be used..
Please see the samples for more information.
Please note that the sample application for Java1.5 although perfectly valid may refuse to compile (or seem to refuse) under eclipse as of now. However its validity may be verified by means of the ant build script -"build.xml" also part of the project files. The seeming inconsistency is an issue of eclipse's compatibility with Java1.5 and will disappear eventually.
Getting a Java1.5 version of the RBPlugin is easy and requires two steps.
I will be providing a easier means for getting a Java1.5 version in the near future.
Copyright © R.Raghuraman. Distributable under LGPL license. |