Generating code and properties files |
In the following screen there is shown a project testrb which contains 1 rb file inside its src/test path. (in test package)
Select the project and right click on the mouse so that the popup menu opens up.
Select Rb>Code Gen
To get rid of the red coloured problem indicators to the following
Select the same project. Right click to get the popupmenu. Select properties in the popup menu.
Select Java Build path
Select the following external jars inside the plugin directory.
This will add the jars to the classpath and the problem indicators will disappear.
Note: The generated code uses java.util.ResourceBundle directly for entries that cannot have parameters. For entries that can have parameters it performs formatting using the java.text.MessageFormat class. Thus MessageFormat is applied only when needed. This affects the apostrophy logic in the properties files for entries that can vs cannot have parametrs.
Copyright © R.Raghuraman. Distributable under LGPL license. |