
This is the home page of  R.Raghuraman's jxpress project.

I have built a tool which attempts to solve Java internationalization issues in a more complete manner.

I am making available the following content and the "jxpress" tool as a eclipse plugin- "RBPlugin" at this site.

  1. Documentation
  2. Download of the tool with source code and documentation.
  3. History of the tool

I have developed this tool on my own time The whole thing has been a learning process. I have enjoyed learning about eclipse. 

I hope to be updating my tool further. 


This software is a set of eclipse plugins.
1. It provides a means of managing / generating the resourcebundle .properties files
2. It generates Java APIs for creating internationalized message strings, message objects, exception objects with lots of configurable design options.
3. The generated java api wraps around MessageFormat class usages and or ResourceBundle class usages and simplifies concerns.
4. It simplifies parameterized messages with support for pluralisation.
5. Unlike with properties files it proposes and provides a self-validating XML structure using XSD schema validation for storing the internationalization locale specific strings.
6. It proposes and provides a experimental support for keyboard mapping for any language. Out of the box language with support for keyboard mapping is Tamil- ta. New additional keyboard mappings for other languages can be simply imported into the software.
For more information read the online documentation.


 About me

I have around six years J2EE experience. Am a mechanical engineer by qualification.

feedback / comments.
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